About Us
Te Whare Ruruhau o Meri Trust was established in 1991 in response to a need for kaupapa Māori social services to support whānau struggling with urban living and consequent adversity.
The Trust was established by Te Hāhi Mihinare (The Māori Anglican Church) and was a project to professionalise the ministry to meet the complex needs of our people.

The name Te Whare Ruruhau o Meri implies a place of sanctuary, a house of shelter, and a source of comfort for those in need of a safe place. Within the sanctuary a person, or whānau, will find hope, aroha and manaakitanga.
As a kaupapa Māori social service provider, we developed an indigenous social services practice model ‘te kawa o te marae’ to embed tikanga Māori as a solution for whānau to establish pathways to wholeness and wellbeing.
The Trust is contracted by government ministries to provide a range of social and advocacy services to the communities of Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland) and Kaitaia (Te Hiki o te Ika).
Te Moemoeā
Our Vision
Te whare e tū nei!
The House that stands resilient.
Ngā Uaratanga
Our Values
Auaha - Nurturing the creative and innovative spirit.
Te Ao Māori - Valuing the past, present, and future of the Māori world
Pono - Moving with integrity
Tika - Do what is right and just
Aroha - Giving unconditional and compassionate service
Tū Tangata - Pursuit for excellence
Tumanako - Releasing the aspirations
Ngā Mahi
Our Mission
Te arataki i te iwi te piki ki nga taumata tiketike!
Leading the restoration of whānau wellbeing.

Deliver ‘real’ wh outcomes

Promote Tikanga Māori and the mission of the Anglican Church.

Generate innovative ways of growing the delivery of service to our communities.

Our priority is tamariki and the safety support being readily available across the collaborative networks to service the needs of the tamariki and the family.
Our goal is to extinguish broken homes and our action plans will focus on proactively reducing the broken homes in the communities we serve.

Our culture practices are integral to our service delivery.
We align with the mission of the church; to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation.

Collaborations, Partnerships and Innovation allows us to grow and develop service delivery that is responsive to the contemporary needs of whānau Māori and changing communities.