
He Korowai, an eight-week programme for wāhine Māori
Over the course of the learning wāhine weave a korowai, which represents their healing journey. By connecting to the atua, one another, and their whānau, wāhine move from isolation to integration. All dimensions are connected tatau katoa!

12 week-long NON-VIOLENCE PROGRAMMES for wāhine and tāne Māori
Participants with violence and anger management issues attend this 12-week programme, voluntarily or by order of the court. By the end of the twelve programme, participants shed off old destruction patterns. They embrace the power of their identity as Māori and develop new healthy and loving behaviours.

12 week-long SAFETY PROGRAMMES for wāhine and tāne Māori
The sessions are delivered in gender-specific groups. Participants learn about the concept of safety within whānau. Wāhine and tāne understand the complex interplay between whānau members. By the end of the twelve-week programme, they embrace the central role they play in creating safety for tamariki.
Participation can be voluntary or court ordered.

Tokotoko, an eight-week programme for tāne Māori
Tāne carve a tokotoko over the course of eight weeks. The tokotoko represents their mana and oratory. The men develop a new narrative about themselves and their whānau. They move into their personal power, into te ao Marama, the world of light.